
Welcome to new and prospective board members

Nau mai ki te ao o te poari kaitiaki i te kura me te noho hei mema poari.

If you鈥檙e new to school governance, we have a wealth of information and support available to help you make a positive contribution to your school and community.

Are you already a school board member?

Find out all the ways we support you:

Have you registered as a new school board member?

All new school board members need to fill out a registration form (known as Appendix 2).

This will then provide you with access to our wealth of advice, support and learning opportunities. It鈥檚 quick and easy - click the below tile to access the form.

Thinking about becoming a school board member?

Most New Zealand schools are governed by a school board. This is a group of people who work together, with staff and students, with wh膩nau, parents and the wider community, to ensure the school is the best it can be.

Who can be on a school board? Just about anyone! You don鈥檛 have to be a parent or caregiver of a child at the school, but you do need to have a passion for education, be confident, positive and work well in a team environment.

What support do board members get? Boards receive payment (called a stipend) for their time and commitment. You will also be well-supported by 江南体育's  range of learning and networking opportunities, our Advisory and Support Centre and our regionally based team of advisors.

Want more information? Get in touch with principal at your local school or kura, have a chat with current school board members, or talk to the school鈥檚 office staff who can point you in the right direction.

School board members play an important role in shaping the education experience and achievement of students.

Mai i te k艒pae ki te urupa, t膩tou ako tonu ai | From the cradle to the grave, we are forever learning.